The Diagnostic client diagnostic relationship still called sales and marketing is a process that will help you to build products and services to better meet your market target, with suitable price, communication and relational adapted to your target.
This process is important for any business on a market, because it focuses on the 6 main factors involved in the construction of a strong relationship with your customers, which is ultimately the key to your success in the long term.

The six axes of this relationship diagnosis client are as follow
s: – the product or service that you make to the market
– the price of your product or servic
e – your target audience, or an avatar of th
e client – your communication with your
customers – relationship with
customers – development potential of your activity in your market

The Diagnostics marketing and commercial highlights your strengths and weaknesses in each of these areas, allowing you to exploit your strengths while improving your weaknesses. Essentially, the diagnosis is like a compass to show that you know where you are in the marketing of your products or services.

This process will enlighten you on the potential problems you will encounter when selling your product or service and it will help you answer the following q
uestions: who has the most need your product or se
rvice? There is a demand for your product or
service? What are the communications to be implemented to be
effective? What are the latest news about your product or service? And many ot
ers as you can see, these answers will help you determine if the marketing of your product or service will be successful before you spend all your time and your resources in actions. The marketing diagnosis and trade alerts you to what you need to do to market your product or service more efficiently.

Yet, still to this day of many entrepreneurs and business leaders admit to have never conducted a diagnosis to sell their products or services. These same leaders recognize their difficulties in marketing their product or service. It is obvious that they fail on an essential element in the success of their business.


Often when you're faced with the problem of commercialization of a product or service, you try indefinitely the same thing, thinking that at one point given, will begin to operate. It is rarely the case, to really change, should try something else. The diagnosis allows you to explore new avenues that you bring the novelty and will release your sales in very little time.

To ensure the commercial development of your business, you must diagnose marketing and commercial or diagnostic customer relationship, because without it, you will stay with a commercial approach awkward and you continue to struggle to find customers.

Without customers you don't have a business. Run your diagnostic regularly you'll see that you'll not only customers, but also you will communicate with them easily, and you unique. Which means that the client relationship diagnosis allows you to continuously improve your products and your approach, and ultimately sell more.

We present three types of diagnostics in this formation, and we recommend you all. These three diagnoses you bring to work on a better understanding of your target customers and take appropriate decisions to provide high value-added services and products. This client approach allows you to use diagnosis oriented towards the client, to build an even closer relationship of your customers and market your products or services more effectively.

See the video on introduction to training diagnostic marketing and commercial