Marketing and advertising, even if they seem similar, in reality they are not. Advertising is only a part of marketing, whereas marketing encompasses complete conceptualization of the image of a mark from searching for positioning, advertising design to then arrive at the sale. Advertising, on the other hand is a component of the marketing process, which is nothing other than the transmission of the message through various media to promote your product.


What is advertising

Advertising is one of the most important marketing strategy and also the most expensive components. Advertising is sending the message of your company, product or service to your target. It represents also all work presentation of your product. It is a process which involves various strategies to achieve a given target. The strategy in advertising is to:


[bullet_list icon= »check » indent= »10px » style= » »]

  • plan the placement of ads,
  • decide what media to use, when, how often, etc…

[/bullet_list] The ads are usually placed through the mass media such as television, mail, newspapers, Internet, email, radio, magazines, mobile messaging, brochures, billboards, social networks, etc… The most popular advertising remains television, even if Internet is used more and more and at a lower cost.


But that is what the Marketing then?

A simple way to differentiate marketing advertising is to consider marketing as a cake. By cutting it, you have a part that matches advertising and the other parts of the cake are market studies of the product, the product design, the planning of media, public relations, pricing of products, the satisfaction of the customer, customer support, sales and much more. All these parts of this cake should work independently, but collectively to a single goal: sell more products and build the reputation of your business in its market. Marketing is therefore a long process involving many tasks that take hours or even days of research. Component marketing research is the longest because it implies a thorough knowledge of the behavior of your target to your product.


Thus, design a product and develop it through an advertising strategy is a long and expensive process. You will spend less time in the operational part of the marketing i.e. the execution of advertisements and the sale itself.


In summary, marketing led to the development of a good medium between the true consumers of your product or service and your company. This is the first step one of your customer relationship.


But many businesses often confuse advertising with marketing. I have already heard some leaders admit that they hate marketing. But they simply ignore that marketing is all the work done upstream, well before the advertising and selling.