Marketing can be defined as everything you do to grow your business such as advertising, promotion, distribution, etc…. Marketing includes the phase of preparation for sale: one which corresponds to the stage of creating the relationship with your customers.


Today, this customer relationship can be built between two ways. By internet or by the traditional method. Preparing for the customer relationship approach remains the same in both cases. However, to ensure to exploit the peculiarities of each environment in the execution phase.


The difference between Internet marketing and traditional marketing is that traditional marketing includes most techniques offline such as calls to cold, the distribution of brochure, flyers, ads in newspapers, brochures, etc…


While the internet marketing or online marketing uses the power of online networks and the media to reach the targeted market.


With the internet, you get the power of documents in electronic format. It's marketing materials such as catalogues, magazines, blogs etc…


Unlike traditional marketing, you don't have to print media. Done you already save a lot of money. In addition, on the internet, the customer relationship is direct. This means that you do not pass part of intermediaries. And there your overhead costs are reduced.


The direct relationship you have with your customers, allows you to distribute more information to your target audience, without having to use intermediaries. Communication with your customers is free, instant, much more efficiently and faster with internet marketing.


Without a doubt, internet marketing is interesting, little expensive, very soup and efficient. But is it for this that it is sufficient to have a website to start for sale?


We'll discuss this topic next time.


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